Tips for Decluttering Your MomLife

15 February


If you're like the majority of Moms, you might realize at some point that your life is too cluttered. You have too much to accomplish and cannot adequately manage your time. You likely have an excessive amount of possessions and continue to acquire more every day. Most Moms might be able to benefit from a good de-cluttering session. But how do you proceed? How can you even begin de-cluttering when you're buried beneath a mountain of junk, responsibilities, personal papers, and digital information?

Follow these tips for de-cluttering your life:

1. Simply get started.

Choose a room, a closet, or a shelf and begin. Pick up each item and ask yourself, "Do I routinely use this? Do I adore this product?" If both questions are answered with "no," the object must be thrown out, donated, sold, or stored away. For each of these categories, provide a container to place your items in.

  • Put away the items that you’re keeping and store them in a secure place.
  • If you have a large amount of things, it might seem overwhelming. Try setting a timer and working for 10 minutes straight. Restrict your 10-minute de-cluttering session to one tiny area at a time. So, you will be able to clearly observe your development.
  • Try not to get carried away with excessive time and energy you might be putting into one area. A month of de-cluttering for 10 minutes every day is much more effective than two days of intensive effort followed by abandonment.

2. Get your family members to help you.

If other members in your household are not on board, de-cluttering will be considerably more difficult.

  • Some of us are truly pack rats, unable to let go of anything. If this describes you, request the help of your spouse or partner, your kids, or a trustworthy friend.
  • Emphasize the benefits they will experience from a far less cluttered environment. Communicate the advantages of cleaning the entire home.
  • If there is too much opposition, maintain your focus on de-cluttering and keeping your own area neat and organized.
  • Organizing your room may be appealing. When the rest of your family sees how fantastic a shiny bathroom looks or how your personal area is sorted, they will likely follow suit.

3. De-clutter your calendar and digital life.

Your living conditions are merely one component of your busy Mom-life. Another essential aspect is simplifying how you spend your time and manage your digital life.

  • To de-clutter your schedule, you must learn to say "no" to invitations or engagements that are unimportant. Create a list of your obligations and rank them from most important to least important. Maintain just the essentials and eliminate the rest from your life carefully.
  • Start organizing your digital life. Sort through your all of your emails, subscriptions, downloaded apps, notifications, newsletters, social networks, movie lists, and so on. Only keep the things that really matter or your are truly inspiring for you, delete others, and prioritize by ranking your digital files .

4. Go a little further each day.

Continue pushing forward with your de-cluttering efforts after you've begun. Complete one section before moving on to the next. Your enemy is perfection. It does not need to be flawless. Finish a task in a fair amount of time. Every effort you put into this will result in a clean, calm, clutter-free home. Make life simple for yourself.

  • When you're finally finished, take the time to enjoy the new clutter-free spaces you’ve created in order to help keep the momentum going.

The benefits of de-cluttering your life are more important than you might realize. Not only will it be easier to locate everything, especially important items, but you will have more sufficient space. If you are constantly burdened with mental clutter, whether you are aware of it or not, allowing it to accumulate can cause worry, anxiety, stress, frustration, foul mood, or a bad attitude all the time. You might be astonished by how much more relaxed you feel once the clutter has been eliminated permanently. Don't hesitate to make changes today!

Use the MomLife Complete Organization Printables to transform your household from chaotic to calm! Choose to be clutter-free starting this week!

Here is what's included:

Planner Pages (8 Pages)
  • Daily Schedule
  • To-do List
  • Weekly Goals
  • Weekly Schedule
  • Monthly Calendar
  • Monthly Goals
  • Yearly Plans
  • Life Goals
Household Charts and Checklists (9 Pages)
  • Chores Chart
  • Cleaning Schedule
  • Daily Cleaning
  • Cleaning Routine
  • Meal Planner
  • Grocery Shopping List (2 pages)
  • Spending Tracker
  • Income Tracker
Complete Home Decluttering Checklist
  • Includes a 6-page checklist tackling every room in the house.
  • Kitchen
  • Living Room/ Family Room
  • Bathroom
  • Bedroom
  • Other rooms
Cluttered Rooms Organization (8 Pages)
  • Garage Organization Checklist (2 pages)
  • Kitchen Organization Checklist (2 pages)
  • Pantry Organization Checklist (2 pages)
  • Office Organization Checklist (2 pages)
Project, Party, and Travel Planners (13 Pages)
  • Home Project List
  • Project Planner
  • Project Sketches
  • Project Shopping List (2 pages)
  • Party Planner
  • Holiday Gift List
  • Travel Planner
  • Travel Itinerary
  • Travel Journal
  • Vacation Packing List (3 pages)

Click on the link above, or the photo, to learn more!